Thursday, 2 June 2011


A 90 year old male complains of hip and back pain. He has also developed headache, hearing loss, and tinnitus. On physical examination the skull appears enlarged, with prominent superficial veins. There is a marked kyphosis , and the bones of the leg appear deformed. Plasma alkaline phosphatase is elevated. A skull X-ray shows sharply demarcated lucencies in the frontal, parietal, and occipital bones. X-rays of the hip show thickening of the pelvic brim. The most likely diagnosis is

a. Multiple myeloma
b. Paget's disease
c. Hypercalcemia
d. Metastatic bone disease

Saturday, 7 May 2011


A 25 year old woman presents with vaginal spotting and right lower quadrant abdominal pain.There is minimal dark blood in the vaginal vault,and her cervix is closed and thick.Quantitative serum hCG is 4000 mIU/ml. A transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) shows no evidence of pregnancy inside the uterus. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Hydatidiform mole
b. Ectopic pregnancy
c. Appendicitis
d. Endometriosis

Answer and explanation

Sunday, 24 April 2011


Q7.The most useful and predictive tool in evaluating the condition of a patient with an acute asthmatic attack and in          assessing response to therapy is
  A. Chest radiography
  B. Arterial blood gas measurement
  C. Measurement of pulsus paradoxus
  D. Observation of accessory muscles use
  E.  Measurement of peak expiratory flow or FEV1

answer and explanation will be posted here tommorrow

Thursday, 14 April 2011


Q6. what skin condition is known for its herald patch and "pine tree" distribution of its lesions
  • a. Lichen planus
  • b. Guttate psoriasis
  • c. Seborrheic dermatitis
  • d. Pityriasis roses

anser to Q6 :

Sunday, 10 April 2011


Q5.  A 16 year old girl is brought by her mother to her physician. Her mother complains that her daughter has a poor sexual physical development, has primary ammenhorrhea and is too short. On inspection the girl appears withdrawn and abrupt. She appears rather pale and thin and has fine coat of hair all over her body. Her parotid glands appear to be enlarged. On investigation the levels of plasma FSH and LH are low. The most likely diagnosis is 
a) constitutional delay
b) hypothyroidism
c) anorexia nervosa
d) Kallmann's syndrome
e) ovarian dysgenesis
answer and explanation:

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Todays question: Q4

Question 4:
A 25-year-old female presents with vaginal spotting and right lower quadrantpain. She denies passage of tissue. Her abdomen is tender to mild palpation in the right lower quadrant. There is minimal dark blood in the vaginal vault, and her cervix is closed and thick. Quantitative serum hCG is 4000 mIU/mL. A transvaginal ultrasound(TVUS) shows no evidence of pregnancy inside the uterus. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Question 3

anwer to question 2 :
auscultatory finding : diastolic rumbling murmur 
condition :                    mitral stenosis

Question 3 : 

Neisseria meningitides is a gram negative organism which causes meningitis in young adults. The bacteria are most likely to gain entry into the meninges via:
a) the blood stream
b) the lymphatic drainage of the meninges
c) the perineural sheath of the olfactory nerve
d) the neural tracts of the spinal cord
e) the optic nerve and tract
answer and explanation

Monday, 4 April 2011

mcqs today : 2

Question 2 :

A  26 year old female had rheumatic fever as a child. She becomes pregnant and starts to have complaints of dyspnea.On auscultation the findings are as follows.Click the play button below to hear her auscultatory findings

a>.Elaborate and discuss the findings of auscultation
b>.What is the condition responsible for producing such auscultatory findings?


Answer to question 1: "e".
explanation: i have now provided it under question 1. Check it out.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

mcqs today : 1

Question `1  :
A 35 year old female develops a swollen, very painful neck. She has a fever, chills and generally feels ill. She is initially evaluated by a physician assistant for pharyngitis. Her group A, beta hemolytic strep test is negative. She returns to see her doctor the next day On physical examination her heart rate is 95 and her blood pressure is 120/80. She has a temperature of 100F and a mildly enlarged thyroid gland. When her doctor goes to examine her thyroid, she objects, as this area is very sensitive, actually painful. She then lets him palpate her neck, and the physician is able to detect a mildly enlarged thyroid gland. Thyroid tests are done, but the results are pending. What is the most likely diagnosis? 
a) myxedema
b) cretinism
c) Graves disease
d) Jod-Basedow phenomenon
e) De Quervain's thyroiditis
Please post your answer in the mbbspg discussion zone on the right. Help others by posting explanation however this is optional. Answer to this question will be posted tommorrow

answer with explanation: click read more below